“You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take, and if you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur “ . ARE YOU READY TO SELL OR PURCHASE YOUR LAND OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN PHOENIX, SCOTTSDALE, MARICOPA COUNTY AND PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA, CLICK HERE AND PLEASE CALL ME. 520-975-5207 or email me walterunger@ccim.net. …. VIEW ALL OF WALTERS LISTINGS. Let me know if you are interested in Apartments: CLICK HERE FOR APARTMENTS FOR SALE
PHOENIX, Ariz. (July 19, 2018) — The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) today announced it has launched a new interactive map that identifies statewide assets and resources, such as infrastructure, land ownership, educational resources and community profiles. The Arizona Assets Map was developed by the ACA to assist businesses considering relocation or expansion in Arizona, as well as visitors and citizens, and is housed on azcommerce.com.
“The Arizona Assets Map makes it even easier for people from all over the state and country to see why Arizona is one of the best states to live, work and recreate in,” said Governor Ducey. “This map will be a critical tool for business and community leaders and will also be useful for new Arizona residents looking to learn more about the communities they’ve chosen to call home.” The Arizona Assets Map is currently searchable by 27 categories. The interactive map allows for layers, so users can see multiple searches at the same time. Boundaries of legislative districts, tribal lands, military installations, Opportunity Zones and even mines in Arizona are also identified. “Arizona has so much to offer, and the ACA’s goal in creating this comprehensive map is to promote our state’s many assets in one easily searchable location,” said Sandra Watson, President & CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority. “We’re excited to launch with 27 categories, and plan to continually update and enhance the map with new content.” Searchable resources include:
The map also allows for a statewide search of points of interest to residents and visitors, including schools, libraries, hospitals, airports, arts and cultural landmarks, outdoor activities including state and national parks and monuments. The creation of this resource was of particular interest to those who work in and represent Arizona’s rural areas as it showcases what is available to businesses and developers in less populated areas. The map can be accessed at: www.azcommerce.com/arizona-assets/ |
Arizona Assets Map
Media Contacts:
Daniel Scarpinato
Susan Marie
Connie Weber
About the Arizona Commerce Authority
The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state’s leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona’s economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: recruit, grow, create – recruit out-of-state companies to expand their operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to grow their business in Arizona and beyond; and partner with entrepreneurs and companies large and small to create new jobs and businesses in targeted industries. For more information, please visit azcommerce.com and follow the ACA on Twitter at @azcommerce. ARE YOU READY TO SELL OR PURCHASE YOUR LAND OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN PHOENIX, SCOTTSDALE, MARICOPA COUNTY AND PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA, CLICK HERE AND PLEASE CALL ME. 520-975-5207 or email me walterunger@ccim.net. …. VIEW ALL OF WALTERS LISTINGS. Let me know if you are interested in Apartments: CLICK HERE FOR APARTMENTS FOR SALE KASTEN LONG Commercial Group and AMA Events, Resources & Education For Apartment Owners GREATER PHOENIX APARTMENT OWNER’S NEWSLETTER 1st QTR 2018 / KASTEN LONG COMMERCIAL GROUP. Timeline of Arizona from 900 BC – 2017 WHY PHOENIX? AMAZING!!! POPULATION IN 1950 – 350 K PEOPLE; “NOW 5 MIL”. – “5TH. BIGGEST CITY IN USA” FROM ME: Phoenix Commercial Real Estate and Investment Real Estate: Investors and Owner / Users need to really know the market today before making a move in owner user Commercial Properties, Investment Properties and land in Phoenix / Maricopa County, Pinal County / Arizona, as the market has a lot of moving parts today. What is going on socio-economically, what is going on demographically, what is going on with location, with competing businesses, with public policy in general — all of these things affect the quality of selling or purchasing your Commercial Properties, Commercial Investment Properties and Commercial and large tracts of Residential Land Therefore, you need a broker, a CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) who is a recognized expert in the commercial and investment real estate industry and who understands Commercial Properties and Investment Properties. I am marketing my listings on Costar, Loop-net CCIM, Kasten Long Commercial Group. I also sold hundreds millions of dollars’ worth of Investment Properties / Owner User Properties in Retail, Office Industrial, Multi-family and Land in Arizona and therefore I am working with brokers, Investors and Developers. I am also a CCIM and through this origination ( www.ccim.com ) I have access to marketing not only in the United States, but also internationalClick here to find out what is a CCIM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCIM PLEASE CALL ME 520-975-5207 OR E-MAIL ME walterunger@ccim.net ARE YOU READY TO SELL OR PURCHASE YOUR LAND OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN PHOENIX, SCOTTSDALE, MARICOPA COUNTY AND PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA, CLICK HERE AND PLEASE CALL ME. 520-975-5207 or email me walterunger@ccim.net 8 Reasons You Should Invest in Land Timeline of Arizona from 900 BC – 2017 WHY PHOENIX? AMAZING!!! POPULATION IN 1950 – 350 K PEOPLE; “NOW 5 MIL”. – “5TH. BIGGEST CITY IN USA” GREATER PHOENIX APARTMENT OWNER’S NEWSLETTER 1st QTR 2018 / KASTEN LONG COMMERCIAL GROUP.
PHOENIX PROJECTED AS NUMBER ONE US HOUSING MARKET FOR 2017 LIST OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN PINAL COUNTY, REVISED 2-14-17 Reasons to Consider me for Commercial Referrals – I have the Knowledge and Experience Click here to View My Listings and Profile Click here to find out what is a CCIM: Click here to view my website: Click her to join my mailing list : Walter Unger CCIM – walterunger@ccim.net – 1-520-975-5207 – http://walter-unger.com 2016 Official Arizona Visitors Guide Timeline of Phoenix, Arizona history Facts of Arizona – year 1848 to 2013 Feel free to contact Walter regarding any of these stories, the current market, distressed commercial real estate opportunities and needs, your property or your Investment Needs for Comercial Properties in Phoenix, Tucson, Arizona. 1-520-975-5207 Check out my professional profile and connect with me on LinkedIn. Kasten Long Commercial Group tracks all advertised apartment communities, including those advertised by other brokerages. The interactive map shows the location of each community (10+ units) and each location is color coded by the size (number of total units). Walter Unger CCIM, CCSS, CCLS I am a successful Commercial / Investment Real Estate Broker in Arizona now for 20 years. If you have any questions about Commercial / Investment Properties in Phoenix or Commercial / Investment Properties in Arizona, I will gladly sit down with you and share my expertise and my professional opinion with you. I am also in this to make money therefore it will be a win-win situation for all of us. Please reply by e-mail walterunger@ccim.net or call me on my cell 520-975-5207 Walter Unger CCIM Senior Associate Broker Kasten Long Commercial Group 5110 N 40th Street, Suite 110 Phoenix , AZ 85018 Direct: 520-975-5207 Fax: 602-865-7461 Reasons to Consider me for Commercial Referrals · Delivering the New Standard of Excellence in Commercial Real Estate
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